For HerdUnlimited subscribers, our latest version of HerdOne includes a helpful new page called Treatment Inventory, where you can keep track of all your medicines/treatments for your animal's vaccinations. This tool keeps a running list of all your treatments, their types, costs, and amounts. Once you have filled out information about your treatments, you can go to the Vaccination/Treatments page and select the treatment you want to give to an animal or animal group and our software will track how much you used, how much is left in the container, and how much that vaccination cost you.
Treatment Inventory Page
To get started, go to Vaccines and Health Checks > Treatment Inventory and add a new Treatment. Your first entry will require you to create a Treatment Type so select "Create New." Select the type of Treatment you want: Drench, Injectable, Ingestible, Pour-On, or Spray. Then give it a name.
Congratulations! You've created your first Treatment Type. Now you'll move onto the specifics of this treatment container. Enter the Lot Number, the Amount that's in the container, and your Unit of Measurement. Then fill out the Expense-related information: Vendor, Price, and Date.
Your entry will appear on the top of the page in the grid:

Vaccinations/Treatments Page
Now that you have your first Treatment, you are ready to give a Vaccine to one of your animals. Head over to the Vaccination/Treatment page, and begin filling out vaccination information. You'll notice a new section right under the "Optional" button. The Treatment information is optional, but if you fill out one box, you must fill out the other too.

After submitting your Vaccination, HerdOne will calculate the cost of the Vaccination which will show up on the grid at the top of the page. If you head back to grid on the Treatment Inventory page, it will display the amount left and give you a nice overview of all your Treatments.

And that's it! You can also add vaccinations with treatment information on a specific animal's Manage Animal page, and you can run a report on your vaccinations and treatments on the Reports page.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know at
Happy Farming!